About Windham Hill UCC

Windham Hill United Church of Christ has a rich history as shared in this news article published in the Windham Eagle newspaper: Then and now: The Remarkable History of Windham’s First Church

The remarkable legacy of this “little white church on the hill” continues. We are an Open and Affirming family where all are welcome to worship no matter where they find themselves in life’s journey. We blend the traditional with the contemporary, and play an active role in addressing local, national and international needs.


Recognizing the foundational importance of the prayer of Jesus, “That they may all be one” (John 17:21), we welcome all people into the full life, leadership, and ministry of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ.

We recognize that each of us offers our own unique perspectives, experiences, gifts, and talents in support of the work of The Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ irrespective of physical differences or artificially constructed social divisions.

To that end, we affirm the rights and responsibilities of full participation in the ministry of The Maine Conference of The United Church of Christ of people of any sexual orientation or expression, gender identity or expression, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, marital standing, physical and mental health status, economic status, family structure, or any other label that would seek to divide rather than to unite.