Welcome to Windham Hill United Church of Christ
Upcoming Events
Community Meal, December 29 5:30 p.m.
Advent Bible Study, Dec 2, 12, 19 10:00 a.m.
Festival of Trees, December 6, 7, 8
Women's Fellowship Christmas Gathering, Dec 18 @ noon
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Dec 24 @ 4:00 p.m.
Community Meal, December 29 5:30 p.m. Advent Bible Study, Dec 2, 12, 19 10:00 a.m. Festival of Trees, December 6, 7, 8 Women's Fellowship Christmas Gathering, Dec 18 @ noon Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, Dec 24 @ 4:00 p.m.
Here at Windham Hill U.C.C., we strive to Love God, Love People, and Love Life!
At Windham Hill UCC, we take our theme of "Loving God and your Neighbor" seriously. Our aim is to spread Christian love throughout the community and beyond. We're thrilled to welcome local speakers to share their insights with our congregation and anyone who wishes to attend. Our goal is to emphasize that our church is committed to helping our neighbors, both near and far, and we're always striving to follow God's guidance as we become the hands and feet of Jesus. We cordially invite all members of the community to join us and get to know each other in our open and welcoming church – a place where everyone is accepted, no matter who they are or where they are on life's journey.
We welcome all people of faith or who are in search of faith to worship with us, without regard to age, race, economic condition, citizenship, ability, sexual identity, or gender identity as we strive to be the church together.
“Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are always welcome here!”
Sunday Service
In-Person, Zoom or Facebook Live.
All services are followed by a Coffee Hour!
Location: 140 Windham Center Rd., Windham, ME 04062
Meet the Team
Pastor, Sharon Rankin
Moderator, Eric Lund
Secretary, Jodi Thompson
Minister of Music, Paul Stickney
Join Our Ministries
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the physical and financial properties of the church.
Board of Deacons
Our Board of Deacons provides leadership to our church’s ministry of serving the physical and spiritual needs of members and people beyond the church.
Board of Missions and Social Concerns
Our Board of Missions and Social Concerns addresses a variety of issues and concerns locally, nationally and internationally.
Join a Committee!
Festival of Trees
The Festival of Trees Committee meets for several months in order to insure that our Festival of Trees meets the needs of our community while generating funds for our annual budget and for the Board of Missions and Social Concerns.
Women's Fellowship
The Women’s Fellowship Committee is a warm and welcoming group available to all women of the church. We meet regularly and share fellowship during meetings, social events, and service projects both within the church and in outreach efforts. Along with fellowship, the group raises funds through a variety of projects or events and supports needs within the church and local community.
Pastoral Relations
The pastoral relations committee supports and maintains an open relationship between the ordained minister (and sometimes other staff) and members of the congregation. It helps the pastor and members of the church share ideas, hopes, dreams and interpretations of mission. It lets the pastor know what people in the church are thinking. It gives a framework for dealing with conflict creatively.
Technology Committee
The technology committee meets as needed to assess current and future technological needs, makes recommendations to the church council for consideration, and then purchases and installs the technology as funds are available.
Music Life Committee
Music is a traditional and integral part of our Sunday service. Congregants are invited to join in singing hymns and responses and explore their musical gifts with handbells, rhythm instruments, keyboard and guitar. Everyone is invited to Praise our Creator and Christ Jesus in their own way.